
Monday, March 18, 2013

Kiersey Temperment Sorter

I took the Kiersey Temperment Sorter Test and was interested with the results that I got. My grandfather has been studying the Kiersey testing for years and has always told me that my type is "INFP." After taking the Kiersey test online, my type was "ENFP."

The Kiersey Temperment Sorter is a very widely used personality test. It first appeared in "Please Understand Me." It categorizes people into four different personality types: Artisan, Guardian, Rational, and Idealist. Other technical terms you will be put into are: Introvert or Extrovert, Sensing or Intuiting, Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Perceiving.

The type that the online test gave me the was "Idealist Champion" and that I was an ENFP. I belive that this type is accurate to what sort of person I am. The Idealist type is all about emotion, building personal relationships, communication and being gentle and kind-hearted. Idealists live in a world a filled with possibilities and see room for change. We are harsh on ourselves when we think that we are being false or insincere. I think that this type is very much the way that I am.

The Champion part of my result said that I am a energetic person, are just and love to live life to the fullest. I think that these results are accurate to my personality. 

I am a little bit unsure of whether or not I am an extrovert or an introvert. The only difference in the results of the types that I have gotten is the extrovert and introvert aspect. When I was younger, I was was very shy and much more introverted than I am now. I think that both results seem to be accurate to the type of person I perceive myself to be. 

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